RMLIMS Recruitment 2015 â€" Faculty Positions: Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences (RMLIMS) has delivered notification for the recruitment of Faculty Positions. Eligible candidates may apply through prescribed application format on or before 16-02-2015 till 05:00 pm. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are given below…

RMLIMS Vacancy Details:
Total No of Posts: 22
Name of the Posts: Faculty Positions
Post Details:
1. Professor: 07 posts
2. Additional Professor: 01 post
3. Associate Professor: 04 posts
4. Assistant Professor: 10 posts

Age Limit: Candidates age should be 50 years for Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Additional Professor as on 16-02-2015. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification: candidates must possess M.D. (Anesthesiology) for Additional Professor Anesthesiology, D.M. (Cardiology) for Assistant Professor Cardiology, MD (Emergency medicine) for Professor of Emergency Medicine. 11 years, 03 years, 0 (NIL) teaching experience after obtaining the degree of D.M./ M.Ch. (03 years duration) in the respective specialty at a recognized teaching institution for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor. Refer the notification for complete details.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on performance in Interview.

Application Fee: Candidates need to Pay Rs. 1000/- for applicants within the country & US $ 100.00 (US $ One Hundred Only) or equivalent foreign currency for overseas candidates, through demand draft in favor of “Finance Controller, Dr.Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow”, payable at Lucknow.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format with relevant self attested documents & Demand Draft should reach to “The Director, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow â€" 226 010 (U,P.), India.” Advertisement No., name of the post & department is to be superscribed on mailing envelops. Two self-addressed envelopes with each Rs. 40/- postal stamp should be enclosed with application form is sent only through Speed/ Registered post on or before 16-02-2015 till 05:00 pm.

Note: Advance copy will be accepted but copy through proper channel/ NOC must be submitted before the date of interview.

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 16-02-2015 till 05:00 pm.

For more details regarding age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, how to apply and other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application
