TNPSC Recruitment 2015 â€" Apply Online for 83 Asst Medical Officer Posts: Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of 83 Assistant Medical Officer vacancies on direct recruitment basis. Eligible candidates can apply online from 26-03-2015 to 24-04-2015 till 11:59 PM. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, fee, how to apply are given below…

TNPSC Vacancy Details:
Total No.of Posts: 83
Name of the Posts: Assistant Medical Officer
Name of the Categories:
1. Siddha: 63 Posts
2. Ayurveda: 08 Posts
3. Unani: 03 Posts
4. Homeopathy: 09 Posts

Age Limit: Candidates age should be minimum of 18 years for SC/ SC(A), ST, MBC/ DCs, BCs, BCMs & DW’s of all Castes, between 18-35 years for Others as on 01-07-2015.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have passed HPIM (Siddha) or GCIM (Siddha) or M.D. (Siddha) or B.I.M (Siddha) or L.I.M (Siddha) & must have registered his/her name with the Central Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai for post no. 01, HPIM (Ayurveda) or GCIM (Ayurveda) or L.I.M (Ayurveda) & must have registered his/her name with the Central Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai for post no. 02, HPIM (Unani) or GCIM (Unani) or L.I.M (Unani) & must have registered his/her name with the Central Board of Indian Medicine, Chennai for post no. 03, PG Diploma of the Faculty of Homeopathy (London) in F.F. Hom (Lond) or M.F. Hom (Lond) or D.F. Hom (Lond) should have registered His/Her name in the Tamil Nadu Homeopathy Council for post no. 04.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Written Examination, Oral Test & Interview.

Examination Fee: Candidates should have to pay Rs. 150/- (Rs. 50/- is cost of application & Rs. 100/- is Examination Fee) through Online/ Offline mode. Those who have registered in the one time registration system and paid the registration fee of Rs.50/- and received the registration ID need not pay the application fee i.e. Rs.50/- and it is enough to pay the examination fee alone. Candidates have also to pay the service charges applicable to the Bank or Post Office/ Fee Processing Agency. Candidates claiming exemption from examination fee should pay Rs.50/- of Application Cost. SC/ SC(A), ST, MBC/ DC’s, BC’s, BCM’s & DW’s, Ex-Servicemen, Differently Abled persons, other categories of persons etc are exempted from payment of fee

Online Payment: Candidates may pay the fee through the online payment gateway i.e., Net Banking, Credit Card or Debit Card payment, an additional page of the application form will be displayed wherein candidates may follow the instructions and fill in the requisite details to make payment.

Offline Payment: Fee must be paid through Challan (generated from website) in any Indian Bank branch or Post Office with in two days from date of submission of application.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply online through the website from 26-03-2015 to 24-04-2015 till 11:59 PM.

Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Candidates should have to scan their photograph & signature.
2. Candidates should have valid email ID or mobile number.
3. Log on to the TNPSC website or
4. Click on the “Apply Online”.
5. Select the appropriate position.
6. Read the instructions carefully before applying online.
7. Click on the “Apply Online”.
8. If you already have Unique ID, please enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them, if necessary.
9. If you do not have valid ID, please enter all the required particulars without skipping any field.
10. Upload the previously scanned photograph and signature at the places provided.
11. Candidates should fill all the mandatory columns.
12. Now pay the fee through online or offline mode at concerned bank.
13. Check the details & click on Submit button
14. After submitting online, Application Number and Password will be generated.
15. Take a note and also take printout of application form for future use.

Important Dates:
Date of Notification: 26-03-2015
Last Date to Apply Online: 24-04-2015 till 11:59 PM.
Last Date for Payment of Fee through Bank/ Post Office: 26-04-2015.
Date of Written Examination: 31-05-2015
Time of Paper-I Examination: 10:00 A.M to 01:00 P.M.
Time of Paper-II Examination: 02:30 P.M to 04:30 P.M.

For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply and other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt

Click here to Apply Online
