DBSKKV Recruitment 2015 â€" Walk in for Sr Research Fellow Posts: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Dr. Balasaheb Sawan Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (DBSKKV) invites applications for the recruitment of Senior Research Fellow vacancies on contractual basis under the project titled “Technology Demonstration Component under National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture”. Eligible candidates may walk in on 10-06-2015. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process and how to apply are given below…

DBSKKV Vacancy Details:
Total No.of Posts: 02
Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Age Limit: Candidate age should not be more than 33 years. Age relaxation will be applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidate should possess M.Sc.(Agri.) in Agricultural Entomology/ Plant Pathology/ Horticulture/ Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Animal Husbandry/ Agricultural Extension/ Agricultural Economics/ Agricultural Engineering/ Forestry.

Selection Process: Selection will be based on interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may walk in with their application on plain paper in the prescribed format along with original and photocopies of attested certificates on 10-06-2015 at 10:00 A.M.

Important Dates:
Date & Time of Interview: 10-06-2015 at 10:00 A.M.
Venue: Office of the Director of Extension Education, Dr. Balasaheb Sawan Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri.

For more details like age limit, educational qualifications, selection process, how to apply and other information click on the link given below…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application Form


DBSKKV Recruitment 2015 â€" SRF & Field worker Posts: Agriculture Research Station, Dr. Balasaheb Sawan Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (DBSKKV) has announced notification for the recruitment of Senior Research Fellow & Field worker Vacancies under the scheme/ project entitled “Inventory and bioprospecting of marine invertebrates of the Maharashtra coast with special emphasis on sponges and associated microorganisms”. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 08-06-2015. Other information like age limit, education qualification, selection process & how to apply details are given below…

DBSKKV Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post:
1. Senior Research Fellow
2. Field worker

Age Limit: Candidate age not more than 33 years (Relaxation as per rule for SC/ NT and other categories).

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess M. F. Sc. or equivalent degree from ICAR/ SAU Institution/ Fisheries College for Senior Research Fellow, S.S.C. passed with 3-4 years experience in field of fisheries/ fisherman for Field worker.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on their performance in interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates can send their application in prescribed format in an envelope should be superscribed as “Application for the post “Senior Research Fellow/ Field worker” station/place “College of Fisheries, Shirgaon, Ratnagiri â€" 415629” under the scheme “RGSTC project entitled “Inventory and bio-prospecting of marine invertebrates of the Maharashtra coast with special emphasis on sponges and associated microorganisms” to the “Principal Investigator of concerned scheme (mentioned above) on or before 08-06-2015.

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 08-06-2015.

For more details regarding age limit, qualification, selection process and other information click on the below link…

Click here for Recruitment Advt & Application
